The Land Dreams in Ceremonies: Reparation Ceremony #6 *Maple Bay*


Motanky at Strittenia: Strittenia means “encounter” ~ the first meeting between the spirit of winter and spirit of spring.  Seasonal crossroads mark times of power when prayers and divination are potent. Motanky traditionally made at this time are Dolya (one who understands the fates). Crafted as a mature woman with long loose hair (to bring one closer to the Otherworld), wearing red (the colour of the life-giver), this Dolya is a Vorozhka ~ “seer.”  

Gift for Friend: Several years ago, a dear friend took us in for two months while we fought to regain access to our yurt, animals, and belongings.   As part of honouring the land, she was gifted a Vorozhka, Pysanka, and Rushnyk.  The Vorozhka carries medicine specific to my friend’s spiritual commitments.  The Pysanka depicts a water serpent (Zmey) who protects the waters of the bay and all inhabitants of the benchlands, The Rushnyk (eco-printed with marigold, blackberry, onion skins, and smoke-bush branches) depicts ocean waters and surrounding forests in the bay.

Pysanka for Land: The symbol written on the central panel of the Pysanka combines an “x” representing Mati Zemlya (Mother Earth) and “” representing a fertile field waiting to be planted – basically, fertile abundance of the Earth and waters.  Deer skulls act to protect the lands, waters, and all inhabitants.  The additional symbol written at the top of the Pysanka is for containment and protection of the fertility of the lands and waters.

Medicine: The claw on the gifted Motanka was found on the beach, smooth and washed ashore.  Charcoal (symbolic of sacred fires) was placed within, capped with red beeswax, and bound to the braid of the gifted Vorozhka, A brass bell was bound to another braid – in folk practice, the sound is thought to generate protection by repelling negative thoughts and energy.  A small prayer bundle is attached to the back braids made from a piece of leather rolled into a tube filled with herbs and bound with thread and prayers for the well-being of land and community.

Shadow Walking: Following traditions and protocol when burying medicine requires a trust that Mati Zemlya (Mother Earth) will envelop the medicine and absorb its prayers into the dark folds of Her being.  Medicine is buried where no feet will walk upon it…


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